Technical Theatre Courses
McLean High School offers four technical theatre courses taught by Speech & Drama Teacher Phillip Reid.
Technical Theatre 1
Students will identify areas of special interest in technical theatre. Emphasis is placed on in-depth study, assumption of leadership roles, and application of self-assessment to improve skills and foster artistic growth. Participation in co-curricular activities and productions may be required to receive credit for this course. This course may be used to satisfy the graduation requirement for a credit in fine arts.
Technical Theatre 2
Students apply technical theatre knowledge and skills by participating in practical aspects of the production process. Students will collaborate to execute a variety of technical designs safely and effectively, and develop management and public relation skills. Participation in co-curricular activities and productions may be required to receive credit for this course. This course may be used to satisfy the graduation requirement for a credit in fine arts.
Technical Theatre 3
Students exhibit independence, discipline, and commitment to the theatrical process through their work on assigned projects. Advanced work in script analysis, character interpretation, and performance skills are expected. Collaboration with actors and directors is augmented by special assignments and opportunities. Participation in co-curricular activities and performances may be required to receive credit for this course. This course may be used to satisfy the graduation requirement for a credit in fine arts.
Technical Theatre 4
Students will identify areas of special interest in technical theatre. Emphasis is placed on in-depth study, assumption of leadership roles, and application of self-assessment to improve skills and foster artistic growth. Participation in co-curricular activities and productions may be required to receive credit for this course. This course may be used to satisfy the graduation requirement for a credit in fine arts.